About Us

Or How You Know We’re Smart

Marc Martin and Tom Sedlacek are the current consulting team at North West Brewery Advisors. Marc is the Chief Consultant and here’s a few items to read about him:

Interviews and mentions:

Press release mentions:

men in brewery

A big thanks to our brewery consultant, *Marc Martin, for getting us off to a good start with the equipment, training and brewing the first beers. 

*Charlie Barrett (owner/brewer) – *Jake Dickman (asst. brewer) Secret Trail Brewery  –  Chico, Ca. 
*Left to right – Jake, Marc, Charlie – 2nd brew day  11/1/2017

Tom Sedlacek

Tom is a long time homebrewer who has an extensive background in the sales of brewing  supplies and ingredients. He has been a brewing educator teaching basic and advanced brewing techniques in conjunction with Bader Brewing Supply. He is familiar with all aspects of the brewing process and recipe development. He has extensive knowledge of waste water treatment and meeting local codes for brewery effluent. Tom is presently working his way into the overall commercial brewery start-up consulting business.